Wired article (for archival purposes, this link points to theĪ capture I made on the same day as the image captured by the extension).It's created by an independent developer, and in addition to being found on the Chrome Web Store, there's also a MIT-licensed version of it on GitHub, as well as a premium offering. Not explicitly 'printing', but this Chrome extension I found to be fantastic for the problem of 'rendered webpage -> png'. Snappy PDF reader with native-looking UI (more intuitive UI if you're a regular MS Office user, but without the bloat - Foxit Reader is also very fast compared to Adobe Reader and MS Office programs).
When selecting text, Foxit Reader will scroll the window as you approach the edge, allowing you to scroll to the appropriate location in the document. The area allowed to convert is not limited by what can fit on your screen (Faststone can scroll down only, not left and right).The installer does not come with any malware or ads (cutepdf and PDFCreator are both blocked at my work for this reason).The resulting resolution depends on how scrolled in you are.Ĭompared to the other answers, this is a better solution in that: It then also provides a way to copy a selected area as an image on the clipboard using the SnapShot tool (where you can then paste into mspaint or some other software). It does not provide direct print to image, but instead provides a print-to-pdf print driver.